Monday, May 15, 2006

Mandolin Srinivas Live in concert

This weekend was one of the perfect weekends. Had all the niceties I like to spend my time offs.
Good food: Pongal and bendekai gojju.
afternoon sleep: ahh nothing like afternoon nap after good food
evening music: to top it all, was there at a Mandolin concert with a bunch of friends, by none other than the only Mandolin Srinivas (His last name had to be Mandolin for all he has done to make it a main stream instrument).

High-lights of the concert for me.... he played raagas Chandrakesi(this was more like a raga mala where he would play various ragas and come back to the basic one) and my all time fav Raghuvamsha sudha.

More to come on performers and my take on all the lime light .....


Anonymous said...

Just chanced to see this article today....Raghuvamsha Sudha happens to be an all time favourite of mine.....

sandeep said...

yes its a beautiful melody