Saturday, June 17, 2006

India - a highly developed nation in an advanced state of decay

The Indus Valley Civilization existed along the Indus River in present-day Pakistan. The Mohenjo-daro ruins pictured above were once the center of this ancient society.

"India is not, as people keep calling it, an underdeveloped country, but rather, in the context of its history and cultural heritage, a highly developed one in an advanced state of decay."

- Shashi Tharoor.

Off late my reading interests have been floating around Indian authors, for I can relate to what they are saying and also partly a way to experience home away from home.A couple of months ago I read "The Great Indian Novel", "Riot" and a couple of more books by Shashi Tharoor. And the above quote is from one of his books. (FYI the Gov of India has endorsed Shashi Tharoor's candidature for the post of the U N Secretary General.)

I find this view on India very refreshing. I like it for it comes from an Indian at the highest post serving an international body like the UN. I agree on most parts of this message but I have my own doubts.

There is no doubt on how advanced India was in almost every field. There were legends like Aryabhata, Sustruta, Charaka who pioneered in science. Let me quote one of the examples on how informed and advanced science was in ancient India. If you have read the Mahabharatha, Bhisma one of the prominent characters was supposed to a well known medico of his times. He coined the term "Hridaya" for heart. This is in Sanskrit. Let us split the word to its roots to understand what it means.

Hridaya = hrith + da + ya
Hrith- comes from the root aaharati, meaning to gather.
da - from the verb dadati , meaning to give
ya - from yapi, meaning to split.

Hridaya means something that gathers (blood), splits (impure from the pure blood) and gives it back to all the organs. This was known to the western world in the late 16th century when William Harvey discovered it.

Hmm alls well India was a great nation, now my doubt on the last part advanced stage of decay. There were other great nations which had great pasts. Italy, France most of the central and western Europe with cultures as old as the Indian subcontinent. Why is that we see decay only in India?

- My ideas on why India to appear in a later blog....(I am too lazy to write anymore)
(ahh may be that is one reason - too lazy to pass on ideas :) )


Unknown said...

My guess is, we have too many people competing for the same resources.
Imagine if we had fewer people. A larger percent of population would be employed then. More food for everyone, giving more time for shall-we-say "non-productive" things like music, art etc. And so on.

sandeep said...

Population might one reason.

But population is also a reasoure...
more people more hands, do more work be more developed.... :)

is that not how it should work ?

Joevin Prem said...

more people sometimes means , more stomach to feed rather than more people to work .