Thursday, August 17, 2006

Manku Timmana Kagga : 1

Antoo entoo yentoo jeevakathe mugiyuvudu |
Andoo endoo yendoo januma kaleyuvudu ||
Ondee maruvina musuku musukalihudellavanu |
Santasada matishte - manku timma ||

This way or that, the story of life will be over.
today, tomorrow, some day there will be an end.
But there will be one veil of forgetfulness (covering all our miseries)
and that is the beauty of life.

Above is a 4 liner by D.V.G a well known writer and philosopher in Kannada. You see my understanding of the verse.


Neha said...

Great Poem...forgetfulness indeed is a boon.

Anonymous said...

How many people do you think chose an easy way out in the hopes that forgetfulness is a boon? How many people do you think are able to forget?

Anonymous said...

Indeed how true.. manku timmana kagga is more appropriate than our bhagavadgita for our daily lives.

Anonymous said...

Indeed it would have been true to harish to say "manku timmana kagga is more appropriate than our bhagavadgita" but to DVG it would have not been & never appropriate to render Mankuthimmana Kagga without Bhagvadgita.....

- Guru

Suma said...

nice 1! i copied it on my FB today...

Suma said...

nice 1! i copied it on my FB today...

v acharya said...

DVG's Kagga by Swaami Brahmananda MP3 CD "Chinmaya Mission" is worth listening. Kagga is Kannada's Bhagavadgeetha