Thursday, August 30, 2007

Sanjaya says

The last verse in Bhagavadgita.
Sanjayauvacha (Sanjaya says)

Yatra yogeshwara Krishna ,Yatra partho dhanurdharaha
Tatra shri vijayo bhutir druvo nitir matir mama

Sanjaya concludes with his opinion that,
Where there is vision and acumen (Yogeshwara
Krishna) along with readiness to act with conviction (Dhanurdharaha Partha) there would be wealth, success and justice.


Harini Sridharan said...

Very nicely said. But the 'justice' part alone sounds out of place to me. If the vision itself is misplaced/unjust, where does that put justice? But I guess it would make more sense in the context of the other preceeding verses.

sandeep said...

You are right. I think the assumption here is 'just vision'.

Unknown said...

I didn't realize Yogeshwara Krishna and dhanurdhara Partha meant something more than their literal meanings; where did you find such an interpretation ?

It will mean something more now, when I chant.... :)

sandeep said...

I would suggest you also listen to
Geeteya beluku by Sri Bannanje Govindacharya.

Which is not about history but the philosophy and observations like this.

Sandeep Karanth said...

Amazing!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Very very good
Chant this if u want success in life