Sunday, December 16, 2007

A Vision of Students Today

In video recommendation for this week we look at a video developed as part of digital Ethnography class at KSU. A very interesting style of communication. Watch it, it is fun to
see how internet and the digital revolution is influencing our everyday life.

(ἔθνος ethnos = people and γράφειν graphein = writing) is the genre of writing that presents varying degrees of qualitative and quantitative descriptions of human social phenomena.(source wikipedia)

a short video summarizing some of the most important characteristics of students today - how they learn, what they need to learn, their goals, hopes, dreams, what their lives will be like, and what kinds of changes they will experience in their lifetime. Created by Michael Wesch in collaboration with 200 students at Kansas State University.


bubbles said...

Interesting... what do you think is the difference between students of today and yesterday?

sandeep said...

Students of today :
(From this video) I think there was no mention of sports, the other is
books, by that I mean patience to go deep into a subject. Spending time on the internet is not such bad thing after all, but then there are its negative sides(this a different topic ,eg it might to a great extent affect interpersonal skills).

TV was the distraction then, but then its limitations of being passive/not interactive didn't seem as intrusive as the internet.

But when it comes to what they teach and what helps in our lives.. there is still a disconnect.